when hangover meets short-timer syndrome
me: help i'm trapped in an infinite loop
crush: i'm going into "another damn meeting".
me: bah.
crush: quitter!
crush: linguist!
crush: watch your "language"
crush: !
crush: this is not an IM
me: ceci n'est pas une im
me: c'est une pipe
crush: where's my confounded pipe?
me: i am trapped in an infinite loop
me: send help.
heather: hans' mom invited us to some shakespeare comedy thing. we said a big fat no
me: (the correct answer was: "break;")
heather: is that like.. walkie tlakie talk?
me: no, it is how you terminate a loop
me: break;
heather: ha ha!
heather: i was like 'breaker breaker. ten four little buddy. check out the hooters on that lady driver!"
me: over&out
me: i am trapped in an infinite loop. send help.
ken: deep
me: i am trying to get someone to say "break;"
ken: i was jiving with the philosophical meaning more than the code reference.
me: i hear ya. that was the original sentiment
me: then it morphed into my own little game
ken: but, if you really wanted a 'break' you should have said:
ken: i am trapped in an infinite loop. send help.
ken: i am trapped in an infinite loop. send help.
ken: i am trapped in an infinite loop. send help.
ken: i am trapped in an infinite loop. send help.
ken: i am trapped in an infinite loop. send help.
ken: i am trapped in an infinite loop. send help.
ken: i am trapped in an infinite loop. send help.
ken: i am trapped in an infinite loop. send help.
ken: i am trapped in an infinite loop. send help.
ken: i am trapped in an infinite loop. send help.
ken: i am trapped in an infinite loop. send help.
ken: i am trapped in an infinite loop. send help.
me: ctrl-c
ken: thanks!
me: i am trapped in an infinite loop. send help.
devin: ctl-c
devin: ctl-c
me: ohhh not bad
devin: ctl-c
devin: did that ack?
me: resources returned to system.