
the unflattering truth

the selfish part of me is glad that will decided to wait another year before applying to the ph.d program. because although i know i'm good...secretly i know he's better. he's brilliant, excellent. the guy never went to high school, he was too smart. instead they sent him to junior college. he started berkeley undergrad at age 14. he finished an eecs master's, also at berkeley, at age 20 i believe.

as a collaborator in class, as a friendly competitor, my carrot and stick, he is motivational. but as actual competition for what will be fewer than ten spots chosen from a large field of applicants from all over the world? he's my friend and i wish him well, but to be very honest i'm glad i don't have that additional thing to worry about.

i may get in and i may not get in, but at least i won't feel like he stole my spot.