
chug barn

how can it only be wednesday?
how is that even possible?

today i looked through the small notebook that i usually carry around with me. i jot down things that cross my mind, i make lists, write down plans when my pda's battery is dead, ideas for songs, etc. each page i flipped to was a memory...ikea with david buying bookcases. nyc in february. sad thoughts on bart. songs for unfinished mix cd's. "get your war on" url. an email address i pulled off the wall in the alley one night when i was drinking there with sully...she picked two. we pinky swore to randomly email these guys, but the next day when we sobered up we both reconsidered. ah, the broken pinky swear still haunts me.

then, near the end, this thing that i have absolutely no recollection of, but it's in my writing, my red pen:

Daly City
    chug barn
    6 cars in front--
      2 champagne escalades

i have no idea what this means, but i think it's awesome.